How To Photograph Handbags: Best Ideas for ECommerce Retailers

Hand Bags Photography Ideas for Beginners

As a fashion photographer, capturing the essence of bags can be challenging. Unlike other accessories, bags tend to go unnoticed, and it’s hard to showcase their design and functionality in photos. However, with the right equipment and photography techniques, you can make your handbags stand out and attract more potential buyers. In this blog, we will describe into the top bag photography tips for beginners. By following these tips, you can create stunning bag photography that will help you attract more potential buyers.

Fill the Bag with Stuffing

The first and most crucial Bags And Backpacks Photography Service tip is to stuff the bag with old newspapers or clothes, making it look puffed. Ensure that the stuffing is maintained until the textures or patterns are eye-pleasing, and there are no loose or stretched sides of the bag.

By stuffing the bags with some paper, your product photography will clearly show the expected capacity of the bag and how it will look when the buyer fills it in. It’s an excellent way to showcase the bag’s design while giving the viewer an idea of its size and shape.

Showcase the Bag Straps

Designers often include bag straps in the product’s overall look. In bag photography, it’s essential to showcase the bag’s straps. If you are explicitly doing handbag photography with the straps, ensure that they are uplifted in some or most of the pictures, depending on the design.

One way to achieve this is by using a fishing wire. Tie a knot with the strap and attach the other end of the wire to a pole to make the strap look elevated or hung in the air. In post-production, the wire will be slightly visible but can be easily managed.

For other types of bags, you can remove the ridge from the strap or loosely hang unwanted ropes from the bag. This way, the buyer can see the design of the strap and how it complements the bag’s overall design.

Use Different Angles

Bag photography demands something extra to attract buyers. Therefore, you should look out for different angles that you can use to showcase the bag’s design and functionality. The more versatile the shots are, the better options you will have to choose from.

You can choose a certain angle or the side of the bag has something unique or eye-catching, use it to show off your photography skills. However, always remember to keep the buyer’s perspective in mind and how they will see the bag in their day-to-day life.

Show off Textures

When photographing bags, it’s essential to capture as many images as possible to convince the buyer. Make sure that you have a high emphasis on the textures, especially when doing handbag photography. The texture of a bag’s material or surface pattern can influence the buyer’s decision to purchase it. Ensure that your images show the texture with proper lighting and camera settings.

If you need to learn more about camera settings, we highly recommend reading our article on the best camera settings to use for product photography.

Communicate the Intention

Bag photography is not just about showing bag’s design. When you photograph bags, you will see various sizes and styles of bags from different manufacturers. To show the intention of the product, you can add the actual product along with the bags and show how functional the bag is for the buyer. For example, if the bag is designed to carry laptops or other electronics, show it with those items inside. By doing this, you can help the buyer understand the bag’s functionality and how it can fit into their daily life.

Choose the Right Background

The background plays a crucial role in deciding the tone of the overall image. If the product isn’t full of funky or bright colors, it might beat the product’s attention. On the other hand, if the bag includes some catchy colors, then you can create a contrast using the handbag, which can give you some attractive images.

If you are just starting and are struggling to decide which background is best for your eCommerce, you can choose between pure white or grey. Check out our blog, where we have uncovered a guide to deciding the perfect background for your product photography.

Use Context

When you photograph bags, also use additional context with the image. For example, if the bag is specially for travel or travellers, then show it with some traveling items laid down around the bag. Same with an office companion where you can set up files and other office items that people typically carry in the handbag. Even you can go to a location and take photographs where the customer would generally use the handbags.

Clean up

Ensure that the products are at their peak of cleanliness before photographing them. No one likes to see dirt or spots in any bag photography. It can be done in post-production, but to speed up the work from your side and deliver the best, you need to ensure that the products are clean.

If you wish to make the product shine a little bit and make the surface look cleaner and smoother, you can use a wax shiner or a cleaning shiner over it.

Avoid Direct Lighting

Do you know, direct lighting can create harsh shadows in bag photography? Use lighting equipment such as a Softbox or Umbrella to eliminate any harsh lighting

Avoid Glares & Reflection

When you photograph bags, take special care to avoid glares and reflections, especially if the surface is too shiny. When on bulk bag photography, could consume a lot of your time. Create a setup with soft light on the sides and adjust them for proper illumination and no reflection. Also, turn off the flash, which can be the main reason for that cantered reflection.

Go Creative

If the following bag photography allows you to go creative, step out of your comfort zone and find a perfect shot of your product. Bag photography comes with many challenges. But as a photographer, you must find new ways to capture that product in all its glory.

Focus of Editing

As a photographer, you must know photo editing as it is an asset in your skill library. However, when it comes to bulk editing, you can outsource it to the best product image editing service. This would allow you to save a lot of time, and real professionals would be working on your images to give you the best results in no time.

bag photography demands a unique skill set to showcase the design and functionality of the bag. The tips mentioned above are among the essential tips shared by experts. Ensure that you add your style when photographing bags while going through the points.

Remember to capture as many images as required to convince the buyer. Also, you must have a high significance on the textures when doing handbag photography. Lastly, take special care to avoid glares and reflections and ensure that your products are clean before photographing them.

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